Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"It's bruise....it will fade."

Dear Tallulah -You'd think I went to bed fuming after last night, but I did not. I went to bed sad and spent. Kevin and I did not have the confrontation I thought we would. Instead there was a short war of words.....VIA text messaging.....no doubt to spare the Germans embarassment.Bottom line: I don't know why I expected more out of Kevin in this situation and not even sure why I reacted as I did. I was really caught off guard and intstead of turning the situation into a litmus test for "How Kevin Deals With Being Gay" I should have just moved on, like Steffan did. For Steffan, it really was a non-event and certainly not the first time I have ever owned up to my own truth. There are just defining moments in life that you can either dwell on and make yourself crazy with or learn from. I am choosing to learn. In life I have no control over other people and can only keep my side of the street clean, so to speak. The only thing I can change or control is my reaction to lifes little "Fuck-You's" I did expect more from Kevin and I don't know why....but that's the last time I will wait for him to step up to the plate. Very sad tho...still.


  1. breath dear friend. all will come in time and hopefully soon Kevin will become comfortable enough in his own skin to be who he was born to be and love you the way you should be.

  2. I totally feel for you. Sucks.

    But can't help wondering...Kevin doesn't know about your new blog? It feels like you are writing something he isn't going to read.

