Saturday, October 3, 2009 Adoption Story.

Dear Tallulah,

People often forget that I was adopted. I don’t talk about it much. It’s not that it bothers me or that I have particular issues surrounding my adoption; the subject just never seems to come up much. My adoptive parents were always open about it and I have always known “I wasn’t expected, I was selected.”

Up until the time I was about 16 or so I was always told the same story: I was born in Germany…my birth parents were killed in an automobile accident and I was given to my aging grandparents who decided that I would have a better life if I had younger parents who would better be able to raise me and offer me more than they could in their advanced age…so they put me up for adoption. At the age of 1 ½ , I was put into a German orphanage. I was adopted by the time I was 3.

When I turned 16, about the same time I came out to my family and was sent to Seabury Hall to attend my final two years of high school, I was given a folder that contained all of the information surrounding my adoption…all the correspondence, all of the signed documents, and even my original birth certificate. Many of the papers were in German, but the folder contained translations as well. The original documents that would have transferred custody of me to the orphanage were included. They were signed by Ruth Meyer Dohle, aged 24…my mother. She was alive at the time I was put in the orphanage and of course it raised a lot of questions in me. My adoptive parents, Gene and Betty, said the story they had always told me was easier to explain…easier than trying to figure out why my mother would have given me up…and of course it raised a lot of questions for me that at the time seemed unanswerable. Mostly, and to this day, I would just like to see what my mom looked liked. For some reason, I’ve never had much curiosity about my birth father, but my mom was different.

My adoptive Father, Gene wrote a short memoir about my adoption…about being stationed in Naples, Italy and how he and my adoptive mother, Betty, had sent letters to adoption agencies around Europe stating that they were ‘in the market’ for a child. Dad was in the Navy at the time and they had just purchased a town home in Naples. Betty could not have children naturally and in all honesty, if there ever was a sign from God to a human being, this would have been it…Betty was not meant to have children. Gene was.

Mid March, 1970, I was 2 years old. Instead of the normal first years of life afforded most people, I had been shuffled between my birth mother, my grandparents and ultimately an orphanage. If the psychologists were correct in their assumptions about a human forming their “trust” with the world in their first year of life, based on the stability of their given environment, I was already outside of the ‘box’ and I guess I have carried this trait with me throughout my life. There was anything but stability, and I don’t know how long I was with my birth mother, or why she decided to give me up. I’m not sure I even really spent time with ‘grandparents’ and by the time I was 1 ½ , I was already an orphan, the youngest of a large German house full of parentless children…all waiting for a new set of parents.

Gene and Betty received a letter in the mail near the end of March 1970, attached to the top of the letter was a thumbnail photograph, a picture of a blonde haired boy in a snowsuit and a simple paragraph underneath.

“Jerry is an active and alert child that has adapted well to his surroundings.” Jerry was my original name; Jerry Wayne Dohle.

I’m sure with much anticipation and trepidation, Gene and Betty completed the needed paperwork to initiate my adoption from Italy and with the subsequent go ahead from the German government drove from Italy to my orphanage to pick me up. Along the way there was much nervous chit chat: “What if he doesn’t like us?”…”What if we don’t like him?”…accompanied with half felt reassurances that everything would work out. I’m not sure if they felt like expectant parents or more like they were picking up a really neat ‘gadget’ to complete what they felt was lacking in their lives.

They arrived at the orphanage, and like visitors were escorted around the grounds, among the children and made no attempt to immediately approach me, but filtered among all the children and observed. I was the youngest and they saw a lot of the other children showering me with attention. In the office, they signed some final forms and were told, in broken English, “We think the best way to take Jerry, is just to go in the playground and scoop him up, put him in your car and just go!” It sounds odd, but they planned my kidnapping essentially. There would be no goodbyes, no Hallmark moments of meeting, no packing my things…it had all been planned and the orphanage official gave Gene and Betty my pre-packed suitcase along with my beloved blankey.

With the best of intentions, Gene and Betty pulled the 68 Cougar convertible they arrived in to the front of the play ground and left a back door ajar. They circled the playground and watched me with my friends for awhile before they made their move. When I had wandered away from a group of children, they scooped me up, walked directly to the car, put me in my car seat, slammed the back door, got in the front, started the engine and drove off. I protested, they assumed, in German, which they could not understand. I pointed out the window and began to cry. I cried until I fell asleep and when I woke, I began again, in German, asking questions perhaps, wondering what was going on, who are these people, where are we going, what happened to my friends….thinking, perhaps…am I safe…but mostly…what the fuck just happened? Gene and Betty eventually stopped on an American Military Base and found someone who spoke German to interpret what I was saying. And that action would be repeated all the way back to Italy. I would cry, speak, and they would stop and ask someone to tell them what I wanted.

I could not get Gene or Betty to dig this memoir out of their files, they say it’s buried somewhere and they’ll look for it. The first time I read it, I cried, loudly. I cried for this child, this part of me I don’t really remember, but I know has been carried within and has touched every part of my life since. I cried for their ‘good intentions’, I cried for my lost ‘family’…the birth one and new one I had at the orphanage. Mostly I cried for the three year old German speaking boy that was kidnapped one afternoon and thrust into yet another life he had not chosen.

I wonder what my real mother looks likes. I wonder if she misses me. I wonder what my life would have handed me as Jerry Wayne. I wonder if I found my real mother, if she would welcome me. I wonder if being sent away to Seabury Hall was so difficult at first because I felt like an orphan all over again. I wonder if that Ruth Meyer I found on Facebook could be my real mom and I haven’t the nerve to find out because the thought of a rejection keeps me from it. I wonder if there’s a German family somewhere feeling a hole where I should be. I wonder if I have a brother or a sister. Life is always full of “What ifs”…these are my biggest.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gay Called...It's for Kevin.


Of course I don’t think I made it beyond the first 10 minutes of Kevin’s arrival home before I spilled everything about my conversation with Stefan. I don’t know what I was expecting from Kevin, fireworks, a fist through wall perhaps…I wouldn’t have put any of it past him. I think he was in a real state of shock. If you assume that life exists on a range of say 1 to 10, there are many people who go through their entire lives living between 4 and 7. When something outside of this number range actually takes place, the varying types of responses are as different as the people they are happening to. With Kevin, I handed him a 10, at least in his world and it just didn’t seem to be computing with him, as if there was no reasonable way for him to process anything of what I had just told him. I know he wasn’t happy. He barely spoke to me for two days, but would occasionally offer a weak, “I can’t believe I’ve been ‘outed’ in Europe.”

For those of you who missed the story picked up by the Associated Press, at least in Germany, the air waves were abuzz…from Berlin to Heidelberg…a ripple of shock and awe was felt traveling down the Rhine and reports of mass disbelief came from as far as France. Kevin had been OUTED in Europe…yes, fans, it’s true…no doubt disappointing some, but in general adding to his already freaky superstar status there. I fielded calls from Cher, Bette Midler and Richard Simmons…Obama’s office was ready to issue a statement but Kevin informed me on Sept. 11th that they had decided to fly the nations flags at half mast instead, no doubt in memoriam for the throngs of women who were mourning the lost possibility of ever carrying Kevin’s seed to fruition and producing an heir. I draped all the mirrors in the house in with a lovely black toile that Kevin himself picked out on a fabric shopping spree just weeks before the story broke. Here in the States it has been my general policy to neither confirm nor deny, but the wave of water cooler talk had, by week’s end, been felt from The Hague to the Vatican. Had it not been for the 9/11 anniversary dominating the press, I fully expect Kevin would have had to call a press conference to address his saddened and adoring fans. It may take years before I am fully forgiven and economically, Kevin is able to recover from the fallout and backlash…and on a side note, Glen Beck, your telegram was just hateful.

I tried to listen in on Kevin’s subsequent phone conversation with Stefan the following weekend, but decided to leave him and his friend in peace. Stefan has been calling and emailing me anyway, and if he wanted to share anything, I’m sure I would hear about it at a later date.

It has now been about a month since Kevin’s mother left our home, and few weeks since all of Europe was deprived of Kevin’s heterosexual prowess…and things at home have thankfully settled back into our normal routine. I, of course, hide all the bags of fan mail expressing distain and disgust at Kevin’s ‘choice’. Mostly there has been a lot of productive conversations about how Kevin can effectively set healthy boundaries with his mother so her next visit, due around Christmas, by the way, won’t be as painful. I have also had my travel agent forward many brochures of top of the line spa vacations that I may choose to embark upon and have Kevin pay to send me too, should I decide I don’t want to deal with Mary on her next visit. No joke. At the very least, leaving the brochures lying around the house has provided good impetus for Kevin to continue to deal with resolving many of the issues of the last month in a timely fashion. I’m not asking for solutions to everything overnight, but there has to be a general commitment to moving forward, and so far, Kevin has not disappointed…I just have to remember that it won’t all happen in MY time, but his own.

My fingers are a little achy from all this typing, probably the longest letter I have ever written. I hope you are enjoying a productive visit to Ireland and hope you have a safe return. I’ll let you know when Kevin’s interview with Oprah is due to air…and until next time…kisses.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Secrets and Lies....


Now this phone call was not entirely unexpected. Even before Stefan and Katrin left, there were promises made concerning the sharing of photos that had been taken during their stay with us and some of our day trips around Puget Sound. I believe we all felt the easiest way to share our pictures was through Facebook, since we would most likely be posting most or all of the photos there anyway. I know that Stefan and Kevin were friends on Facebook and I think Stefan asked me to send him an invite, so we could share our photos as well. I have never ‘friended’ Kevin on Facebook and with reason. I don’t want to be censored. That is the same reason he has never read this blog. Kevin is fully aware of the blog and the subject matter. I am very comfortable saying that there is very little, if anything, written here that has not been said to Kevin first. Writing to you just helps me process and sort through things to gain a little more clarity and distance from situations. So then you may ask why not let Kevin read it. Because it is MINE, and just as I am not privy to Kevin’s conversations or letters to his friends, I choose to keep “Dear Tallulah” unedited by a biased voice. I’m going to leave it at that. Anyway, I didn’t mention it at the time, but Stefan had called me at home several weeks ago. Actually he had called for Kevin but he and I ended up talking for awhile and he reminded me to send him a friend invite on Facebook, so he could share his photos with me and vice-versa. I knew that once Stefan had access to my profile on Facebook, he would also have access to “Dear Tallulah”…and I did stop and ask myself, “Would I take the time to look at a blog written in another language, because it belonged to someone I knew?” I would, even if only to look at the pictures. Now Kevin thought it was a little odd that Stefan and I would have had a whole conversation on the phone, after all he was Kevin's friend, but I reminded him that Stefan stayed in my house too, and we were also friends now, but I understood where Kevin was coming from…it’s that awkward moment when you realize that two previously separated parts to yourself are suddenly colliding and there is that split second, for most of us, when we quickly try to fetter out what inconsistencies about ourselves might be brought to the surface. For most of us, it’s a split second. For Kevin it must be an eternity. The Kevin that Stefan knows and the Kevin that I know are two different people. During our first conversation, the first time Stefan called, I not only had to be the person I was when he visited, “the straight roommate”, I also had to uphold Kevin’s persona; the person that Kevin had created for his friends and family. It was all getting very complicated for me…in-fact, I felt my end of the deal on this whole “Straight” thing was getting far more involved than Kevin’s end. And I don’t lie, especially to my friends. As for Kevin, I think he had been lying about his sexuality for so long that he no longer even viewed it as deception…it had just become par for the course, especially having been in the military for 20 years.

“You know,” I said casually to Kevin as we drove somewhere several weeks ago, “Once I ‘friend’ Stefan on Facebook, I imagine he’ll find out about us.” I turned to look at his face. The sunlight filtering through the trees that were rushing past the car flashed blotches of light and shadow on his face. I imagined Mother Nature holding a disco ball above the Pssat as we drove and smirked at the silly image I had conjured up.

Kevin looked at me quickly and caught my smirk and misinterpreted it. His eyes narrowed briefly as he tried to understand my amusement and he quickly asked, “Why?”

“Because I don’t censor myself on Facebook and it has the link to my blog.”

“I want to read your blog.” He stated.

“You can’t.” I replied. There’s nothing there that you don’t know about, Kevin. My blog is my release valve and it’s an easy way to communicate with my friends all at once. Besides, you know that if you read it, you’d be trying to edit what I write and I’m not going to play that game with you.”

“Is it all about me?”

“You’d love that wouldn’t you?…Why would MY blog be about you?  I write about you, sometimes, but it’s my blog, about ME and my reactions to the world around me.", I stated firmly, leaving no room for discussion about how I would conduct myself on MY blog.

And that was that. Honestly. I knew at the time that he was not putting two and two together for some reason, or was he? Maybe Kevin, on a subconscious level, thought this would be a great way to come out! Every instinct inside me said “No” to that thought, but it still left a nagging voice in the back of my head…what if he really wanted to come out, but just didn’t want to do it himself? Maybe he didn’t even realize he wanted to come out. And these weren’t really whole thought out conversations I was having in my head, they were more like passing notions…quick, ‘what ifs’. I sent the friend request to Stefan on Facebook and couple of days later he accepted. I was anxious to see his pictures but they never came. Kevin offered to show me the photos Stefan had on his Facebook wall and I AGAIN said to him, “I imagine that Stefan knows about us by now.” Kevin said nothing. Was I missing something? All this bitching and moaning and kvetching for five years about keeping him in the closet and it did not make sense that he wasn’t picking up on this. So I again thought that perhaps he must really want certain people to know. I admit I did not push the issue either. I knew I could, but I felt like there was a reason that Kevin was acting like this, subconscious or not. On one hand I couldn’t quite believe it or understand it, and on the other, I wanted to see how this hand played out.

“Really, Kevin?” I asked. “No response to that?”

“What can I say? If it’s already happened or it’s already done?”

Very odd, I thought. My guess is that Kevin didn’t really believe anything would come of it. What else could I think? I had been almost a week or two since Stefan accepted my friend request and I still had not heard anything further from him. I realize now he was no doubt reading and digesting “Dear Tallulah”….and now I was on the phone with him.

I was pacing the kitchen floor and listening to Stefan speak. He started out by saying that he had always known about Kevin, even when they knew each other in Germany, years before I had even met Kevin. Stefan thought everyone knew, except Kevin. When he came to visit us in Washington, he knew my place in Kevin’s life within three minutes of being here and neither he nor his girlfriend, Katrin, could understand why Kevin and I were putting on such an elaborate show. They had a nice visit with us, but he thought that it would have been much more relaxed and enjoyable if I had not been staying in a room that was very clearly never used. That made me laugh. Stefan went on to add that he had given Kevin chance after chance to open up to him, clearly saying that if Kevin was gay it meant nothing to him, but he needed to have the honesty from Kevin…the honesty was the important thing. And that is what really impressed me about the whole conversation with Stefan…he was upset because, as a friend, Kevin had not trusted him with the truth, and that had led Stefan to question the very foundation of their friendship. I agreed with him wholeheartedly on every point. And for the next 30 minutes or so, we both tried to figure Kevin out and failed. It was clear that Stefan was trying to be a good friend and it was also clear that Kevin really had a weak grasp on true friendship. If you lie to a friend, I think you are really saying that you don’t trust your friend enough to exercise their right to love you unconditionally and if you can’t do that, is it really a true friendship at all? And here is where Stefan was stuck…not wanting to lose Kevin as a friend…extending the bridge that would allow Kevin to suture the gap between superficial understanding and deeper insight..., but not knowing how to approach Kevin. If Kevin had gone to such great pains to hide everything from someone he truly believed was his friend…well, it called into question the very nature of what a friendship meant to Kevin and I understood Stefan’s confusion and hurt…when this type of betrayal (and I honestly feel Stefan felt betrayed) is played out upon you, you can’t help but question yourself too, and wonder, “What did I do to make my friend lie to me?” Dishonesty disarms a person. You can’t work with lies, but given the truth in any situation and one can either choose to adapt or remove oneself. Stefan really endeared himself to me during this conversation and I was frantically searching my brain for something to say to make him feel better, something that would ensure the chance for a continued friendship between Kevin and him. Thankfully, I was relieved of that responsibility. Stefan said he had thought about writing to Kevin, then thought about writing to me and then settled on a phone call as there was too much to say. He knew that Kevin and I were planning on visiting him in Germany next year, but now, he didn’t want us to come if Kevin was going to play these games with him…he just wanted Kevin to be honest with him and trust him to be what a any good friend would be…unconditional.

My mind was spinning. I had promised Kevin never to ‘out’ him, but I’d done just that. I was thankful it wasn’t his mother on the phone. If it was, I might as well go upstairs and pack my bags. Then it occurred to me…had I really ‘outed’ him if Stefan already knew?…I had only confirmed suspicions…but that’s just mincing words, I thought…it would make no difference to Kevin and I knew that. I told Stefan that I wasn’t really sure how Kevin would react and I asked him to please give me a couple of days to approach Kevin and gauge his reaction before Stefan spoke with him. Based on what Kevin had said so far about ‘not being able to undo what was already done’, my gut told me that it would be alright that Stefan knew about Kevin and I, but Kevin would NEVER want to talk about it. But that didn’t feel quite right to me either, the truth was, I really didn’t know what Kevin was going to say, or how he would react. By the time Stefan and I got off the phone, I knew that he and I were in many ways closer to each other than he and Kevin had ever been. I knew that bothered Stefan but I wondered if it would bother Kevin…would it even occur to Kevin? I let go of that and quickly focused on the real task at hand. Kevin was due home in a few hours, and there was no way I could carry this around silently for a couple of days…it was going to come out tonight.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The 'Outing'


I truly believe that when you concentrate hard on something, “it” is put out into the universe and the universe responds. It’s like that moment when you need a quarter for the pay phone and don’t have one. Then you find one on the ground. Most of the time we dismiss such a coincidence as just that, but I believe there is something divine that we attract in these moments through our energy. Aside from all my concentration on NOT outing Kevin, the energy in the house was this odd focus on the relationship between Kevin and me. Mary was determined to either undermine what I had been trying to build with Kevin for the last 5 years or find out the exact nature of our relationship and it didn’t seem like I was going to be able to do anything but go along for the ride. The universe was already conspiring to respond though.
Frankly, I am tired of talking about Kevin’s mother, Mary already. I allowed her to rent far too much space in my head for the whole time she was here visiting. I told Kevin about the run-in I had with Mary in the kitchen. His main concern of course was whether or not I had actually confirmed her suspicions or not. I had not and Kevin was dismissive of the whole incident. As long as he was still in the closet, I guess he was thinking that he could deal with anything else. Of course, neither one of us knew that I would, in fact, indirectly “out” him before the month was up. Not to his mother, unfortunately, though. Kevin has spent 30 years creating an image of himself for the world to see and undoing his handiwork requires baby steps. This blog would be the catalyst for what I hope is a series of progressing baby steps. I know you keep asking why I put up with all of this, but please understand, there is love involved, 5 years of invested time, and 96% of my life with Kevin is great. Three weeks out of the 260 we have spent together is not grounds for divorce, in my mind.
Anyway, after I would butt heads with Mary, I always extended an olive branch. I fully intend to be an indirect part of her life, through Kevin, for awhile, so no need to burn bridges, right? After an altercation, I would go out front and cut some roses to put in her room, on the nightstand by her side of the bed. I did this several times, and it was my way of saying that I still respected her enough, as Kevin’s mother, to make sure that her stay was pleasant and I thought it was a nice gesture. It didn’t require words and like several other things, I found out after she left that she really appreciated it. That simple act of giving her fresh flowers, almost daily, may have been what kept things from completely falling apart.
Needless to say, I survived the whole visit, but not without quite a bit of collateral damage. I had lost a huge amount of respect for Kevin and did not gain any for Mary. When Kevin said we would be roommates ….he really meant it and he played his part to the hilt. I was unable to even sneak into our bedroom at night to steal a kiss or hug from him. I tried. Even though Mary and Archie were downstairs watching TV, Kevin would have none of it for fear of being caught…at least that’s what he said. In reality, his mother had gotten him to “thinking”, about how his choices concerning me were impacting his ‘image’ mostly. His mother could just not wrap her mind around me, as a ‘roommate’. It didn’t make sense to her and with good reason…it was because of her having one hand tied behind her back that I was always able to return to a space of graciousness and not completely go off on her. I don’t blame her for acting like a mom, truly, but Kevin needs to set clear boundaries with her, especially when she is visiting.

So now they are gone and in their wake, I am left feeling hurt, lonely, betrayed and of course, I was dying to have it out with Kevin. I finished gathering my thoughts and processing what I could, but decided to just confront Kevin, diving in and seeing what his thoughts or feelings were.
You would think that after three weeks, both Kevin and I would be totally up for some hugging and kissing and hot sex. Honestly, it was the last thing on my mind. No matter what the circumstances are, I have always trusted Kevin to honor and protect me. My trust had been shattered and there was no way I was going to give of myself intimately to him. Even if he had wanted to, which I found out he did not, I felt that having sex would have been a reward and he was in no way deserving. I didn’t even want to kiss him or hug him. However, I did want to know why he didn’t want to hug or kiss me.
Mary and Archie left early on Saturday morning. Kevin spent the weekend and Monday in his own world…barely talking, sad because his parents were gone and he said NOTHING about their feelings to share….NOTHING….and I thought, OK, he doesn't know how I am really feeling, or, he doesn't know what to say....Kevin has never been good with apologies and frankly he is often short sighted and too into himself to evaluate where he might be wrong. He really lacks the ability to empathize and understand exactly how his words or actions affect others...his whole approach to the world is often based solely on how HE is if he says or does something hurtful and it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass, then no harm least that's my interpretation.

“You're just going to ignore the last three weeks, aren't you...and hope it all goes away?” I finally said to him Monday evening.
“What do you mean?” he said.
Honestly, as if he didn’t have a clue. Fucker. I got mad.
“It’s been hell for me, here, the past three weeks, and here's an idea Kevin...say to me, ‘Thank you for putting up with my mother and thank you for putting up with my bullshit and hers’, because it is bullshit, Kevin...’I know how hard it was or must have been for you, but you still made my parents comfortable and I don't know what I was thinking when I invited them here for so long, knowing you would have to spend more time with them than me. I really need to come to some conclusion about what to tell them and my friends, because I see that hiding and lying is a behavior that is not working now that I am in a relationship. I really would like to make it up to you, but I don't know how or what to say." I responded, incredulous. It all came rushing out as if I’d been practicing it, which I hadn’t. I had had plenty of time to sort of script out an approach, but this was purely off the cuff. Now, part of the dynamic between Kevin and me does NOT include arguments…it just never has. My anger and the raising of my voice was pretty new to him and drove my points home. I learned early on, as did Kevin, that yelling and arguing was just not a productive way for us to communicate. It just never worked as well as waiting for a time when we were both receptive and talking calmly. But, I was too pissed to care.
He said, "Is that what you want to hear?"
I said, "Yes… or some variation of that." He would not indulge me though. What he did say was,
“I’m just confused and thinking about some things my mom said.”
It amazed me that I was the one that was upset, and hurt, yet the conversation was now going to become about HIM? I played along for a second.
“What...what are you thinking, what did your mom say, and what are you feeling?”
“I don’t know.” replied Kevin. That just set me off again.
“That's an eight year-old's answer. An adult does not spend three days brooding over inner turmoil and not know what he's thinking or feeling. You’re coming across as emotionally stunted. If you are telling me that we can spend 5 years building a life together and your mother can show up and in three weeks begin to undo what you have already decided makes you happy by making a few comments about you needing to get married, or having kids, which you hate anyway, don't you see how that would affect me? Don't you see how threatening that is? AND what if I just stopped talking to you? Just stopped. No reason given, like you’ve pretty much done since Saturday, and then in all other aspects, tried to make you think you were crazy and that everything was fine? This is not the way you treat someone that you love, Kevin. Since they have left, we have not kissed, or hugged, or snuggled and here I am thinking, thank God, they're gone, now we can get back to our life and really, they might as well have stayed...because you are still acting like we are just roommates.” I said in another rush of words and pent up emotions.
He actually said something about trying to make himself CELIBATE, to see if he could do it or some stupid shit along those lines, to see if it was possible to approach the idea of doing what would make his mother happy… CRAZY, STUPID, misguided, just nuts I thought!
“How about this,” I began, “ you stop feeding your sick little secret, stop giving it and your mother so much power and come clean...You've been skirting around the fact that you're gay since high school...and you always come back to your true nature...if I wasn't with you, you'd be trolling Craigslist and again....NOT trying to find a girlfriend, or a wife, or to have kids...Will your mother stop loving you?... NO…Will the world stop spinning…NO...Man the hell up, get over yourself, snap the fuck out of it and stop acting like an 8 year old caught in some nefarious've created this situation, and you know how to extract's like you keep hitting this brick you back up and instead of taking a left or right turn, you slam yourself into it again and again, and each time, you expect something different to happen.” I was on a roll. I didn’t even need to hear him say what he was confused about…I knew.
“I don’t have any answers right now…I’m still processing everything.” he offered weakly.
I didn’t really want to, but I kept getting louder and said, “Then why don't you SAY that then? You have given me could have said that on Saturday, or Sunday, or 10 minutes ago... “
So the rest of the evening, he tried to suck up and he kept asking me why I was so quiet, what's wrong now?...I said the same thing is wrong...UNBELIEVABLE!
“I told you how I felt and just because it's expressed, doesn't mean there is a resolution...I'm sick of everything being solely on your terms...I played that bullshit game for three weeks with your parents and now it's time for you to think about fuck off...!”

I was pissed, and that's where I was. Wednesday, he came home and asked if he was still in the dog house...wouldn't it just be a matter of time before he got out of the dog house?... I said, “No, some answers and a direction for us to take as a COUPLE will get you out of the dog house...”
He said, “Are you just trying to give me a taste of my own medicine?” referring to my silence.

“I’m not playing a game, Kevin. I'm hurt and waiting for your adult response to some real issues that are important to me. I want answers….or I want counseling, or I want out.”

That's pretty much where we left it. This morning he was all kissy and trying to be nice before he left and I just won't have any of it. I am so happy to be home alone and loving the quiet and the space. It’s exhausting being mad, so I needed a break from that too. Then the phone rang…It was Stefan, from Germany. You remember, he and his girlfriend, Katrin had just stayed with us before Archie and Mary came to stay. I had to play the straight roommate when they were here too.
I told Stefan that Kevin was at work, but that he had his cell phone with him.
Stefan said, “No, I wanted to talk to you. I have read your blog, “Dear Tallulah.”

Oh Fuck! I didn't think the universe would use this route.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Egg on Momma's Face...

Picking up from my last letter....

I told Kevin at some point that I knew Mary had no intention of ever cooking during her stay. I knew this because I heard her say it. The guest room is right next to 'my room'. I heard Mary talking on the phone, more than once. I wasn't eavesdropping; there was no way NOT to hear her. I don't know who she was speaking with, but the continuing refrain that caught my attention was always, "I'm supposed to be on vacation!" in, "I'm not going in that kitchen, I'm supposed to be on vacation! Let Archie make dinner." Let me add quickly that around day 5 Kevin had offered to do some laundry for his mother and Archie. I have to say that Kevin LOVES to do laundry and he LOVES his front loading washer and dryer. They are not too complicated, but if you are used to a simple washer with a dial and a start button, ours can appear Kevin offered to do it for them. Mary said she could do her own laundry and Kevin said the machine might be hard to figure out and Mary laughed adding something along the lines of "I was doing laundry before you were born, I'm sure I can figure it out." Anyway, just keep that little tid-bit in mind. When I suggested to Kevin on day 5 that it would be a good night to eat out, giving me a kitchen break, I was in no way suggesting that he try to get Mary to cook, like she said she was going to....even though I was looking forward to tasting some of her meals that Kevin has bragged about. I KNEW Mary had no intention of cooking because she was supposed to be on vacation.

The next morning I slept in some. There was really not too much of a reason to get out of bed at this point. No day trips had been planned. The TV downstairs and the computer would be taken over and if I got up too early, I might be tempted to make breakfast for everyone too, but I was standing my ground. I can deal with nightly dinner fixing, but I was not going to be roped into three meals a day for another two weeks. I was awakened by the sound of something being slammed...repeatedly. I opened my bedroom door and found Mary in the laundry room standing in front of the washing machine, on the phone, with her back to me. I don't know who she was talking to but, again, I hear, "I don't know why I'm trying to do this....I'm supposed to be on vacation!" I backed up and shut my bedroom door behind me to announce my presence. See....still trying to be polite. Mary turned in my direction, a little startled and ended her phone call. I was tempted to just walk by, but I asked if she needed help and kept my sarcastic thoughts to myself. I did say, "I know I heard you tell Kevin you could figure out any washer..." in an amiable way, "..but this one is difficult." I added a second or two later. I got her clothes started for her and offered a quick tutorial, but she insisted that Kevin would finish her laundry for her. Whatever.

After a hot shower, I went downstairs for my coffee. Both Archie and Mary were in the kitchen. Three cabinet doors were wide open and they were obviously in the early stages of deciding to make themselves something to eat. GOOD. I left them alone and they both watched me, kinda over their shoulder, as I filled my coffee mug. I knew their staring at me was an invitation to ask if they were OK, or needed anything.....I ignored them.

Mary asks, "Where's the bacon?"

I know it came out sarcastic, but it was said humorously and with out a bite .... "Oh, you can't find it in the cabinets? Must be in the fridge then.", I offered.

Archie called me a smart ass and laughed.

I went to the fridge and pulled out the bacon then asked if they wanted the eggs too.

"Yeah", said Mary, "And some cheese and green onions."

Archie had already slipped into the living room and was again searching for the Golden Girls.

I pulled out some cheese and green onions for Mary and as I was placing them on the counter she turned, started to walk out of the kitchen and says:

"While you're at it, you might as well make me an omelet."

That was it. Enough of this shit. Maybe she could pull this on Kevin, but Archie was preoccupied, Kevin was at work and it was just her and me now. I briefly thought of being tactful, but some people need it plain and blunt. I usually reserve tact for people too stupid to understand sarcasm and having been on the receiving end of Mary all week, I knew she was too conniving to be taken as stupid.

"Look, Mary, I know you're supposed to be on vacation, but the omelet bar is officially closed. If you want an omelet every morning, and lunch every be made for you, I think you should go to the Casino down the road and have it. You could even pay for a room there and they could do your laundry too. I'm thinking you're confused as to my 'role' here, for lack of a better word...but it's not to wait on you hand and foot. I PAY to be one is paying me." I had to elude to the fact that I pay rent, which I don't. I put the down payment on the house that Kevin and I live in. Kevin is paying that back by covering the mortgage for the first 3years or so...but I couldn't say that.

"Well, what is your 'role' here? Since you brought it up, 'cause people ask me that." I was surprised at Mary's boldness but I was also glad this was coming to head now and we weren't going to have to pussy around it for another 2 weeks.

"Ask you what?" I wanted to know. I mean I KNEW, I just wanted to hear her say it.

"If you and Kevin are gay....people ask me that, you know." she replied. She was uncomfortable and trying to hide the fact by getting louder. I know my lack of shock caught her off guard. Straight men are supposed to act indignant when they are told that people might suspect they are least I knew that's what she thought. I wasn't biting.

"So what?" I shot back. "There are worst things than that, LOTS worse. And even if we were gay" Yes, I was still attempting to protect Kevin here..."who's business would it be?"

"It's my business." Mary said with motherly authority. "I want Kevin to be happy."

I asked, "And if he was gay, then he couldn't possibly be happy? Kevin's happy Mary, and if his happiness depended on being married and having children, like you want, I think he would have done it."

She raised her voice again...and her indignation, "How do you know he's happy? 'Cause he's with you!?"

I had seconds here...less than that really. It was right in front of me and I could answer, "Yes, because he's with me." and end this bull shit. If I waited too long to answer, it would be the same as saying yes. If I showed shock at the question, my change in countenance would be the same as saying yes. Should I protect Kevin and his wishes to remain in the closet....should I out myself and effectively Kevin too? I had no time to think here.

"I know he's happy, Mary, because we talk and because we live in the same house." I said in an over calm and confident voice, absolutely sure of myself and knowing I was right too. I had let the opportunity pass...but gave neither a confirmation or denial. I also couldn't help myself from smirking a little. I knew how uncomfortable Mary was and her anger was her only protection. On some level, I had pushed her right into this very conversation and I realized, while she was saying and asking what I wanted her to, it was more for my benefit than hers. I don't think she wanted a confirmation, not really. She was looking for the denial. It never came and her face dropped a little when she realized it wasn't going to come.

Archie piped up here and said, "No way Kevin is gay, not with the way he talks about women." I made a mental note of that...Kevin was having 'pussy' conversations with his step-dad?

"I can't imagine my mother intruding on my personal life like this." I added when I realized that Archie was done.

"Well, Kevin's already put me in my place about this anyway." she said.

I feigned ignorance, still playing my hand close to my chest.

"He told me to stay out of his business in the car yesterday...that he didn't need me to help him find a woman or anything. So we already talked about this."

Time for the final blow.

"I know. He told me." I said. And he had. I don't know if Kevin was sick of hearing her go on and on about a wife and kids, or if he saw my fading patience in listening to it... but he had told her to butt out. My saying that I knew he had told Mary to butt out was all the confirmation I would give and all the lack of denial she was gonna get. We both knew what I was saying and what had been said. The slippery thing was, what I hadn't said was what she and I were both focused on. Mary's mouth actually dropped open slightly, but she caught herself. Those five little words had signed, sealed and delivered the very coupe d'gras I had intended. "I know. He told me." Mary may have thought that she was more privy to Kevin and his inner thoughts than anyone else, after all they spoke on the phone at least four times a day...even while she was visiting...AND she is his mother... but, I live with him. I had just put her in her place and repositioned my self as roost ruler and we both knew it. Mentally, I was smacking her imagined tiara off her chubby little head and bad hair weave. Mary turned sharply and went upstairs.
I made myself an omelette.
Now...what to tell Kevin about all this.?


Monday, August 24, 2009

Boxing with Momma

Dear Tallulah,

I could only be writing this to you since you have a very tight grasp on the fact that I am a big boy and am not looking for sympathy. There are times in life when one is presented with a situation where one must simply “Suck it up” and move on. I say this in reference to the last three weeks. Am I going to "Suck it up" and move on? I am still plotting my next move, so I don't know yet. Yes, the In-laws finally left, early Saturday morning. I was awake for most of the night before their departure, in reposed anticipation…and when their car door slammed and then I saw the last bit of tail lights disappear around the corner as they left my neighborhood, I had a delicious chill creep up my lower back and spread between my shoulder blades…that always happens when my nipples get hard.
I had almost skipped out on the second week of their visit and wanted to go down to Tacoma to visit my lil Opihi...except, I KNEW that Kevin's mother was perched, ready to pounce on such an opportunity to do something like invite that cute female bank clerk she met in town over for dinner to MY house...hoping she could set something in motion with Kevin that I could not stop. Yes, this was how she was operating!
I kinda just stood there a moment, in the empty driveway, gauging my instinct to rail Kevin into the nearest wall and ram my frustrations through his breast plate against my need for peace and quiet. I looked at Kevin, who was still waving to a car that was no longer in sight. I rolled my eyes hard enough to hear what my mother used to say, “Keep it up, you face will freeze like that.” So I closed my eye lids and imagined the suction like release of my eye balls from somewhere near my pituitary gland. Knowing I would need to gather strength for the post In-law “clean up”, I made my way upstairs to the bedroom I had pretended was mine for the last 21 days, flopped on the bed and let my war weary mind drift over the highlights of the last three weeks. And that's how I feel now....War weary. Like I was tensed and needed to be en-garde for three weeks.
Now, I know there are concessions made in every relationship. I would not believe any couple who told me otherwise. I have been in relationships with liars, addicts and plain old misfit bad boys. I have also gotten out of all those relationships. When I met Kevin, I knew he was law abiding, decent, honest, and on the ‘vanilla’ side of life. He had a successful career and wasn’t a gold digger. He rarely swears and I knew he loved his mother. Did I know she had a strangle hold over him and that she had long ago replaced the apron strings with bungee cords? No. Had I known - would it have made a difference? No. Even now, staring at the ceiling of a guest bedroom in my own home, I was actually thinking, “It’s over. Is this a battle I am wise in choosing?” All I could think about was confronting Kevin. BUT, how to do so without seeming like I was trying to pit him against his mother...his mother, who could do no wrong, in his was going to take alot of thought before approaching this battle.
The first couple of days of thier visit was like a slow warm up, a gradual snow ball effect took place as Mary did little things that in and of themselves didn’t seem to warrant any confrontation. She took my place, my spot on the sofa…but we have two sofas and a love seat…and she’s a guest. She took the front passenger seat in the car when we went out…my seat…but she’s a guest. She kept bringing up the fact that Kevin needs to find a wife and work on grandchildren. Then the news came on with a story about gay people protesting in Seattle and she sees some men holding hands on TV and says, “Disgusting!” I know what kind of power that wields when a son, who is gay and in hiding, hears his mother make a comment like that. You think, “My God, if she knew about me, that means she’ll think I’m disgusting.” I heard my mother do that too…and I had enough by age 16…and Kevin’s 46…that’s fucked up!

I admit, after Round one, when I called Kevin’s mother, an idiot, I had to stop and reassess things. I spoke to Courtney and she agreed that Mary was operating with one hand tied behind her back. So, does the fact that she SUPPOSEDLY doesn’t know I’m gay and that I am entering into the sixth year of a relationship with her son, excuse her bad manners? Suppose I was blind and spend three weeks telling nigger jokes…would that be ok? Because I didn’t KNOW I was being offensive? Is that why I had to sit around and listen to her negative banter about gays?
Here are the facts: Kevin hasn’t had a ‘girlfriend’ in at least 7 years and I have been with him for 5. He had never lived with anyone until he met me. He retired from the military and moved to Washington State for his new job and I ‘followed’. We shop together, I cook for us, Kevin does our laundry, and everyone knows this, including Kevin's mom. How could anyone NOT know what’s going on between us? I can’t answer that except to say that they know, but they remain highly confused by Kevin’s frequent and adamant denial of it...and until there is a confirmation, they operate under the hopes that Kevin will still find the right girl and settle down. The whole visit was like a three week long battle of wills, played out behind Kevin and Kevin's stepfather, Archie’s back. Who was more important?….who REALLY ruled the roost?…Was Mary going to "turn" Kevin straight, or was I already entrenched too deeply....that's what the battle felt like. I honestly felt that Mary did not come to visit Washington to look for a new home, like she said. She came to investigate, stir up some shit, and see what she could get away with.

Round Two: Before they arrived I prepared their bedroom and bathroom…the same one you stayed in and used when you visited. They THINK, that I clear out that bathroom and take up residence in the master bath with Kevin to accommodate them. In reality, ever since their last visit, I never did re-occupy the guest bath after I had to make room for them. It was too much of a pain to move and clean every time we had guests. So when they arrived, they were shown their room and their bathroom. Having run my parents Bed and Breakfast for so long, I tend to overdo on the details a little bit….rolled washcloths on the counter, new soap and toothpaste laid out…toilet paper folded to a neat little point…flowers placed on the back of the toilet…hand lotion, cotton balls, ear swabs…all placed strategically for a pleasant visit. Besides, I'm gay...c'mon! So it's THEIR bathroom. Day four of their visit, Kevin told me that his mother was using our shower, in the master bathroom because she liked it better than hers.
“What?! I don’t want her using our bathroom.” I said. “Did she ask…did you say it was ok?” What the Fuck?! When did she do this!? Where the hell was I?!
“No.” Kevin replied. “She likes ours better because it has the built in seats and she likes to sit down and bathe, I guess.”
Then he shrugged, as if to say, “That’s mom.” and walked out of the room.
I had to think for a minute. Would I ever walk through someone’s master bedroom, into their private bath and use it if I was staying in someone else’s home…after I had been given a bathroom of my own…without asking? Was my family strange in that way? Was I missing something that I didn't understand? Would I even do that at my parent’s house? No. No. And, No!! I marched downstairs to interrupt the fourth day of another Golden Girls marathon. I addressed both Mary and Archie.
“Which one of you is using the master bathroom?” I asked in a light, curious tone…looking at Mary.
“What’s wrong with your bathroom?” I tried again, dropping some of the light tone of voice.
“Nothing’s wrong with it, why?” Hmmm...I dropped the light tone and she picked it up! The non-admission of guilt did not escape me. I took one glove off…
“Because, if I wanted to share a bathroom with you guys, I wouldn’t have cleared mine out so you could have a bathroom of your own.” I offered.
No response. Archie clearly had no idea what I was talking about and Mary could see there was no way to be rescued by him.
“I mean, if I came to San Diego and stayed with you, and you gave me my own bathroom to use, It would never occur to me to just help myself to your private bathroom…” I was already taking my second glove off….
Mary cut in, “You could use whatever bathroom you wanted…..”
“Well, that’s just odd, Mary” I continued. “I know I would at least ask first…and if you like the shower, this bathroom downstairs has the exact same one …why don’t you use it? Have you lain in my bed yet? You might like my mattress better than the one in your room.” I arched my right eyebrow for emphasis. I quickly ran the whole thing through my head again…it was no use…IT WAS ODD. Was she testing Kevin, or testing me? Was she trying to prove something to herself or me? I gave up on guessing the motive….it was just fucking weird! I knew her oft repeated refrain, “I’m your mother, I can do what I want.” was perched on the tip of her lips and she was at a loss for an excuse. Yeah, you're not MY mom.

Mary turned to Archie, “You better not use that bathroom again!” she shot at him. Archie still didn’t know what was going on…and he returned his attention to Sofia and Dorothy and Rose, after shooting me a puzzled glance and waving his hand in our direction...clearly indicating this was between Mary and me.

In our little battle of Who Rules the Roost, that was as good an apology as I could expect. Not exactly a knock out…but technically….it was. I still couldn’t believe that Kevin was unwilling to set this boundary. I know that often children can do no wrong in their parents eyes, but I never knew it happened in reverse.

Mary and Archie stayed in their pajamas for the majority of their stay. Mary, stayed up until sometimes 2am and slept in. Archie was up at dawn. By 10am they were both downstairs, monopolizing the TV and the computer. Around 2’oclock, Kevin would make his 8th or 9th call home to see what they were doing and to say he’d be home in an hour. I waited anxiously for that phone call every day. As if AT&T reached through the phone and inserted a firecracker in their butts, and then lit it, they would hang up with Kevin and go upstairs to shower and get dressed. Well, they started to get ready...the entire process would last until about 5pm. It was like his arrival home signaled the sun to shine and the day to begin. They never went out further than Walmart, or the video store, but it gave me an hour alone while they were gone and I looked forward to it. I usually ended up in the Kitchen making dinner during this time, but it didn’t matter, I was alone.

I had no way of knowing that Round 3 would take place because an omelette.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Moving on...

Dear Tallulah,

You'll have to forgive my leaving you hanging, but as you know, I have guests. I've also had time to redirect my anger.

I did call Kevin's mother an idiot. At the time, I felt very justified and self righteous about it too. I have listened to her prattle on about race issues, Obama in office, finding Kevin a wife and about her wanting to be a grandmother. I may have been right in calling her an idiot and even Kevin and her husband agreed with me, but still I find myself feeling bad about it. Since I last wrote, it has not been an easy task to play the gracious host but I got to thinking, "Why am I directing my anger towards Mary?" When I stopped for minute, I realized that she is operating under the assumption that Kevin is telling her the truth, and he's not. She has no idea what part I play in Kevin's life and therefore no way of knowing when and if she is stepping on my toes. She loves to use, "I'm your mother, I can do what I please...." line with Kevin and perhaps in their mother and son world that's ok....Kevin lets her use the master bath (even if it is really Kevins and my bathroom), Kevin indulges most all of her whims and wishes...of course she thinks she can come here and "rule the roost". I've been directing my anger at the wrong person and I can't even apologize, now that I realize how moody and uptight she must have thought me. I would never call my own mother an idiot, no matter what I am thinking, so it is one of those rare instances when I wish I could take back what I have said. At this point, I can only treat her with the respect and care that most mother's deserve from their children's' spouses...even if she doesn't know I am an in-law (so to speak). I will continue to try to educate her on gay issues, but more gently. And I will continue to make her omelette's to order and pick up her wet towels, but with a bit more sympathy, the kind one reserves for those less informed, through no fault of their own.

Perhaps given some time after this stay, I may again revisit their vacation here with a healthy dose of humor. For now though, I am off to deliever a piece of apple pie to Kevin's she watches TV in my spot on the sofa.

It's easy to negotiate "the rest" when love is enough....but how to negotiate love....when "the rest" is not enough?

More soon, I promise,
love and kisses,
